OUR Team
Meet The Tribe Trainers
Meet the lovely ladies who help push our TOP Ladies each and every workout to achieve their goals.
“Follow your dreams. They know the way…”
“And though she be but little, she is fierce” Leah is head trainer and creator of the concept and program at Train On Purpose Studio.
You can always catch her at the studio “raising the bar” (especially in the squat rack) and pushing her clients to reach the TOP.
Mom of 3; CPT & NPC Nationally qualified bikini athlete, specializing in transformation, pre and postnatal, contest prep, bridal transformation, and general fitness.
Serial plantain chip eater.
Insider Secrets
Self-Proclaimed: Maverick
Favorite Food: Tacos
Inspired by: people that just “go for it”
Hobbies: Chasing unicorns and rainbows
Goals: To be chillin on top of the world
Likes: Anything sea salt caramel
Dislikes: Any form of judgement
Quirky talent: Can rap the entire Tribe Called Quest’s song “Scenario”
Favorite Superhero: Wonder Woman
Phobias: Feet
Allergies: Spiders…maybe?
Favorite Sport: FOOTBALL!!! To play & to watch
Karaoke?: Yes always! No matter how corny if it’s Karaoke I’m there.
Why fitness as a career?
Fitness is THE foundation for having energy and that energy leads to happiness and motivation which drives us to succeed and go after our goals. I am a big believer in happy people make a better world. There is nothing more gratifying than watching my clients exceed their goals while working towards a healthy lifestyle.
What makes you a great coach/instructor?
I’m addicted to my client’s progress so I strive to make sure I connect with all of them. It’s incredibly important to me that I create a personal and long-lasting relationship with my tribe. I do my best to push at my limits to ensure they obtain their goals.
“With brave wings, she flies.” “It is nice to be important, but it is important to be nice.”
A strong, positive, cheerful coach who is the epitome of happiness and adorable. Sami is a second-grade teacher with two Master Degrees.
When she’s not teaching you can catch her on Tuesdays for our Upperbody Circuit Werq It at 5 p.m in the studio, 6 p.m Zoom Class and Saturdays for Bootcamp!!
This badass trained at TOP for her wedding and used resistance bands to PUMP before walking down the aisle!!
Insider Secrets
Self-Proclaimed: TV star (Racheal Ray, Dr. Oz, Yankee Game)
Doritos Addict
Serial Wine Drinker
Favorite Food: Chicken cutlets, seafood
Inspired by: Motivating people
Hobbies: Molding the young minds of the future, rooting for the Yankees and Giants
Goals: To travel around the world
Likes: Smiles, hugs and laughing
Dislikes: Unkind people, negative vibes, confrontation
Quirky talent: Bringing out my inner Marisa Tomei and reciting lines from My Cousin Vinny
“Imagine you’re a deer…”
Why you chose fitness as a career?
Being fit is not only about what you see on the outside, it is also about what you don’t see. When I started on my fitness journey it was a way to find myself again and to do something that was only for me. Once I learned that, it was hard to give it up.
What makes you a great coach/instructor?
I believe my positive and bubbly energy is what makes me a great coach. I love to see the transformation of people. I love to know that I have the ability to help them reach their goals, both physically and mentally.
A fun, quirky, modern-day hippie, who’s adrenaline capacity is like no other which is why we call it Bree Lithium 2.0!
A mom to two amazing girls, Bree is also an upper elementary/middle school teacher. This
serial Hula Hooper is a Phish Phan, music lover, cat whisperer, energy healer, and oscillates between Zen Goddess and Badass Warrior Babe.
This crystal slinging flower child owns more crazy sunglasses than we can count, has a fondness for wearing unicorn heads, is a spiritual gangster, and a tad psychic so she knows if you’re cussing her out under your breath. So you best watch your thoughts! WE ADORE HER
You can catch her on Wednesdays for HIIT at 5 p.m in the studio, 6 p.m for our Zoom Class, and Saturdays for Bootcamp!!
Bree is a certified Kickboxing Instructor and CPR certified.
Insider Secrets
Self Proclaimed: Healthy Hippie; Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes; Crazy Cat Lady; Chocoholic
Dark Chocolate and Peanut Butter Addict
Favorite Food: Mom’s lasagna
Inspired by: My daughters and people with positive energy
Hobbies: Creating, reading, music listening, chaos coordinating
Goals: To play the part of Columbia from the Rocky Horror Picture show during a live showing of the movie, and also making everything sparkle and vibrate with love and light.
Likes: Music, cats, and laughing until my sides are hurting.
Dislikes: Negative vibes and cilantro
Quirky talent: I can turn my elbows inside out
Why you chose fitness as a career?
What makes you a great coach/instructor?
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”
Serial coffee drinker; peanut butter eater
Self-Proclaimed: Cat mom
Coffee Addict
Favorite Food: Sushi
Inspired by: My grandmother and great-aunt – two strong women!
Hobbies: Embarrassing my sister
Goals: Inner Peace
Likes: Ice cream
Dislikes: Cheese – I know I am usually alone here.
Quirky talent: Can move my shoulder out of its socket – DO NOT try this at home!
Why you chose fitness as a career?
More than just the physical it’s also about the mental. Fitness impacts one’s mental state. People feel good after working out and I want people to feel that happiness.
What makes you a great coach/instructor?
I want to emotionally connect with my class – if each person can walk away with some inner peace or a little confidence boost after my class, I have done my job.